Sunday, July 27, 2014

Looks of a fire flame in space

fire anywhere in the world, it can be put out with water but if it in space? weightless space environment and how to see the flame? NASA's Space Research Institute of the United States, researchers have recently examined the space of the flame. According to them, the outer layer bharasunya environment fire flame floating takes strange forms. The Independent, said the report.
Recently posted videos nabhacari RAID Weizmann Vine from space to space, so that the fire can be seen in this strange matter. Vine's video sharing site to post videos that are smaller in size.
Working on the International Space Station as a flight engineer Weizmann RAID 38 years old. He said about this video, floating fire tests were living in a world which became the Flex can be utilized in the production of advanced engines.
Space equal to the size of a football field, astronauts on the International Space Station, a fire incident can be life-threatening. NASA space research organizations in the United States over the past few years, researchers 'experiments eksatinguisamenta phleima' Flex name or doing research. Already know the basics of fire control micro gravity how it can be tested more than 00 and they know it. Tested in space, NASA researchers flame
Glesa Research Center NASA researcher Dan said, the world is when a flame burned hot gases rise from the fire, and floating in the flow of oxygen to the Scrolls teach and dahanasakti emits. This is made in the shape of a flame.
There are differences in space than on Earth agnisikhaya. Space of molecular diffusion draws oxygen to teach fire and the flame is emitted from the fact that it dahyasakti times slow compared to the fire. Space than the very low temperature of the earth, with very slow and very low oxygen sikhake is burning. This means that the material is needed for fire fighting will be high density. Spacecraft will burn faster agnisikhake slow winds.
Flex how to space to test the assertions of burning flame kindle mithanale droplets. Seen burning methanol droplets of about 0 seconds. This takes the form of burning flame while the odd jellyfish.